This is it.
I am ready to row again on the water and the more people we can fit in a boat the better.
We need a sculling eight and it will be great.
Sweep rowing is in my opinion not the right exercise for people because it is not a symmetric movement.
I did some research and found the KASCHPER sells Erg Clog footstretcher, which accommodates the rowers with their own shoes. Imagine not having to put your fresh socked foot in a smelly rowing shoe ever again!
In this post I am adding a picture of the Erg Clog.
I am going to ask Kaschper if it is possible to have a sectional eight so it is easier to transport to other rowing venues to sight see and have a good time with other club members.
I heard that Sand Diego Rowing Club have such a sculling eight.
Over and out for now.
Keep rowing on the water and on the rowing machine. If you don't have my indoor rowing DVDs the get them on my website: www.ironoarsman.com.
The website for Kaschper rowing shells is www.KASCHPER.com
All the best,
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.
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