Thank you for your hellos!
You can find the prices of the DVDs on my website and on EBAY. On Ebay the auctions start at $58 for the set of all 7 workouts. I greatly enjoy filming them and can't wait to do DVD 8.
"Negative splitting" to my knowledge is to row a 2K or any given distance or time in an increasing speed. For example: first 500 at 1:40, second 1:39, third 1:38, fourth 1:37...
My form of racing is more like the "bath tub"... If you plot speed on the Y axis and distance on the X axis, you would draw a graph that looks like a tub or a valley. Fast first five hundred, because of the twenty start strokes, then holding the average pace, and finally pushing hard in the last 350 meters.
One of the rowers at the Iron Oarsman told me that a beginner in the Bay Area (California), thought it would be exagerated to ask me to coach him. To this I say that I GREATLY enjoy introducing people to the rowing stroke that was taught to me by the late Harry Mahon (NZ) and Marty Aitken (AUS).
I would like to extend an invitation to those who would like to come visit us here in Costa Mesa. If you are interested you should organize a trip to come row here and do some sightseeing. Today we had a lovely day with mild temperatures. Our city is right next to Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach. LA is 45 minutes by car (no traffic), San Diego 70 minutes. And as I can see at the top of this page there is an AD for flights to LA. Universal Studios is a few minutes away and you can jump on the Backstage Tour and drive up Wisteria Lane from Desperate Housewifes. Yes, I watch that show. We also watch Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel with Mike Rowe, etc.
Over and out for now.
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.
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