Apr 8, 2007


Hello everyone. I did some thinking. At the IRON OARSMAN, we usually use the 500 meter split time to fire our rowers up to push harder and faster. In the last week, I changed this a bit. We started using the Watts setting and I found this to be really cool, because people were clearly seeing how much more powerful they are as they increase there velocity and stroke rate. In the last seconds of the XENO INTERVAL, I mustered up a couple strokes above 1100 Watts. This surprised a few, because I was able to push several hundred Watts more than them. I explained that their ability will quickly increase as we train the XENO INTERVAL. Here is how the XENO INTERVAL works: Interval setting on the rowing machine is 20 seconds ON and 40 seconds OFF. The power expressed in Watts of the first step is equal to the rower’s body weight. Each subsequent interval intensity is increased by 10%. Since I weigh 260lb., my starting interval is 260W. For simplicity I use 25W increase each time. Second interval is 285W. The third interval 310W and so on and so forth. The XENO INTERVAL is complete once the power can not be increased. At that point remember your Watts amount and shoot for higher next time. This is an awesome workout.
Also check out the newly redesigned www.ironoarsman.com. All the best,
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Apr 7, 2007

This morning at the Iron Oarsman, full house!

We had a great workout!
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Steff rows with us at the Iron Oarsman, here is what she has to say!

I am 37 years old and love fitness, working out, and challenging myself. I am very interested in health, nutrition and conscious living. I am an adapted physical education teacher (PE teacher for kids with disabilities). I played college basketball and have accumulated many injuries over the years. I have had 5 knee surgeries, plantar fascia release surgery, and IT band problems from running and other weight bearing workouts/sports.

I was looking for something that would be "easier" on my body in terms of pounding and weight bearing and i found indoor rowing. I find rowing to be the best overall fitness and conditioning workout i have done. The recovery is fairly quick and i have developed more muscle tone and flexibility as well. I absolutely love it. I had been very into spin cycling for many years.....now i spin maybe once a week....and that is only because my spin friends keep calling me a traitor. I have met the coolest people at my row gym (Iron Oarsman) and i am so grateful to have this amazing place to row, have fun, and feel amazing. I plan on rowing till the very end.

Thank you Steff
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Mar 28, 2007

I have no idea what language they are talking, but who cares, one rower pulled a 100 meter sprint unbelievably fast!

Check this out. If true, this is the most ridiculous amount of power I have ever seen. Note that the split time is SUB 1 minute per 500 meters. Holy COW!
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

This type of boat skill is so special, that it has to be shown again.

Watch and learn from this French lightweight.

Olympic Gold and Silver medalist, men's single scull
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Apr 8, 2007


Hello everyone. I did some thinking. At the IRON OARSMAN, we usually use the 500 meter split time to fire our rowers up to push harder and faster. In the last week, I changed this a bit. We started using the Watts setting and I found this to be really cool, because people were clearly seeing how much more powerful they are as they increase there velocity and stroke rate. In the last seconds of the XENO INTERVAL, I mustered up a couple strokes above 1100 Watts. This surprised a few, because I was able to push several hundred Watts more than them. I explained that their ability will quickly increase as we train the XENO INTERVAL. Here is how the XENO INTERVAL works: Interval setting on the rowing machine is 20 seconds ON and 40 seconds OFF. The power expressed in Watts of the first step is equal to the rower’s body weight. Each subsequent interval intensity is increased by 10%. Since I weigh 260lb., my starting interval is 260W. For simplicity I use 25W increase each time. Second interval is 285W. The third interval 310W and so on and so forth. The XENO INTERVAL is complete once the power can not be increased. At that point remember your Watts amount and shoot for higher next time. This is an awesome workout.
Also check out the newly redesigned www.ironoarsman.com. All the best,
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Apr 7, 2007

This morning at the Iron Oarsman, full house!

We had a great workout!
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Steff rows with us at the Iron Oarsman, here is what she has to say!

I am 37 years old and love fitness, working out, and challenging myself. I am very interested in health, nutrition and conscious living. I am an adapted physical education teacher (PE teacher for kids with disabilities). I played college basketball and have accumulated many injuries over the years. I have had 5 knee surgeries, plantar fascia release surgery, and IT band problems from running and other weight bearing workouts/sports.

I was looking for something that would be "easier" on my body in terms of pounding and weight bearing and i found indoor rowing. I find rowing to be the best overall fitness and conditioning workout i have done. The recovery is fairly quick and i have developed more muscle tone and flexibility as well. I absolutely love it. I had been very into spin cycling for many years.....now i spin maybe once a week....and that is only because my spin friends keep calling me a traitor. I have met the coolest people at my row gym (Iron Oarsman) and i am so grateful to have this amazing place to row, have fun, and feel amazing. I plan on rowing till the very end.

Thank you Steff
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Mar 28, 2007

I have no idea what language they are talking, but who cares, one rower pulled a 100 meter sprint unbelievably fast!

Check this out. If true, this is the most ridiculous amount of power I have ever seen. Note that the split time is SUB 1 minute per 500 meters. Holy COW!
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

This type of boat skill is so special, that it has to be shown again.

Watch and learn from this French lightweight.

Olympic Gold and Silver medalist, men's single scull
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.