Showing posts with label Rowing Commentary with Xeno Müller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rowing Commentary with Xeno Müller. Show all posts

Sep 23, 2010

LW2x Bellingham Training - row2k Picture of the Day

LW2x Bellingham Training - row2k Picture of the Day

This looks like Switzerland, but it is in Washington state close to Seattle.
I wonder if those lightweight national team women have a chance at the world championship in New Zealand this October. It will be an interesting regatta because it is smack in the middle of the Olympic cycle. Usually the world championship after the Olympics are pretty weak and gradually becomes faster the closer time gets to the next Olympics.

Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Sep 14, 2010

Daily rowing is good for you.

Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Sep 13, 2010

Rowing Technique in stick figure form :-)

This is worthwhile taking a look at if you want to figure out in stick figure form how to row :-)
Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Sep 11, 2010

A fun workout that can be used on the water too, read on...

Hello Rowers,
This was a fun workout to row. If you are also a person who rows on the water, this is a great workout to follow with your MP3 player or smart phone. Of course, do not put yourself into danger by not being able to to see with your ears. (For those who don't know rowing on the water, you do not face where you row to, therefore it is really important that you hear what could potentially crash into you...)
You can be a member for four months with Row2go and enjoy over 80 workouts.
It does not matter what type of rowing machine you use.
OK that is it for now.
Xeno Müller,
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Sep 8, 2010

Her rowing looks effortless and she wins Olympic gold

Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Sep 6, 2010

I would like to be part of this compilation :-) Rowing - Momenti di Gloria

This is a very motivating clip. Let's row people it is good for us!
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Aug 31, 2010

Fall Rowing is up on us!

Hello Row2goers!

We hope our email reaches you in great spirits!

Summer is coming to an end in the northern hemisphere. We are getting ready to ramp up our workouts again to add to our Row2go rowing library.

We will plan our workouts to suit different indoor rowing challenges that you may find through and

We added a list of training tools to our website that you can acquire through

We are also ready to review your training video and give you technical feedback on your rowing technique whether it happens on the water or on land :-) just click on the coaching page of Row2go and order through Paypal.

Finally a word of wisdom: "We are in it for the long row, take one stroke at a time, then sleep on it!"

Sincerely and row far,

Xeno and the Row2go Team
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Aug 24, 2010

Training for maximum rowing performance in short:

Training for maximum rowing performance in short.

Highly trained Olympic rowers are not only fit for rowing but also in other cross training exercises. It is the overall muscular endurance capability that sets a rower apart from the Olympic athletic population.

There are three phases to the training periodization

1. Build torque and endurance at low rate of repetition (fall-winter)
2. Transitioning from high torque/low rate to high torque intermediate rate (winter-spring)
3. Final phase high torque/high rate sprinting capability (spring-summer)

Building torque is done throughout the year either in the boat or the gym
Building endurance is done 3/4 of the year with the remaining 1/4 needed for maintenance
Building muscular strength is done in the fall and mid winter
Building muscular strength and endurance in winter-spring-summer

High speed of execution is trained year around in the boat with short intervals such as 15 to 20 seconds on. There are different exercises on land to “freshen speed of execution” however speed of execution is not higher on the priority list than endurance and torque.

Range of motion is continuously at the forefront year around. Range of motion is a factor in power. Short explosive is not as efficient in rowing as is “long and strong”.

Stroke rates of 18-22 are held throughout the year for endurance pieces below the aerobic threshold.

Stroke rates between 20-30 push the transition phase between aerobic and anaerobic threshold. Such training sessions come in form of pyramids of 19 to 29 minutes long.

7 minute pieces ranging from beginning stroke rates of 18 in fall to 36 strokes per minute in the final stages of such pieces before major summer championship builds high torque at lactate levels between 6-8 mmol.

Lactate step tests to monitor lactic acid accumulation is another key workout which gives the athlete the positive feedback needed to believe in the training and respect prescribed rest.

Training for maximum rowing performance is a long hard road. However, it is not a long hard unbearable road. Injuries from training is not an option. Sound technique, core strength, staying within safe lifting limits, are key, for injury free preparation.

Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Aug 19, 2010

Who has time to workout out and how to get started:

Who has the time to workout out and how to get started:

I have a busy life. I am married and we have four children. This alone makes life busy, right? But of course to make things more busy, we also run our own rowing business. Being busy has taken a whole new meaning over the last 8 years of my existence, which brings me to wonder how others find time to stay healthy and what a struggle it is to make time for working out in a day that is busting at the seams.

We get up early and go to bed late. We work and care for others, because we are selfless. By writing this sentence moms come to my mind. Yes I am selfless, but I also know that if I don’t take care of myself, I can’t take care of others. In order to make time for a daily workout, and I mean daily workout, you have to look at your situation two ways. For one, you must make the decision to workout, which requires you to find the logic in it. Think of the saying: “Use it or loose it.” The list of benefits are endless when it comes to exercise, do you want those benefits? The answer is a resounding “yes”. The second way to look at it is by understanding that exercise will help you be a better person. You may give all the love that you can, but if your body is not maintained your “love-giving” is on a path of diminish returns, do we want that? “NO!” is the answer.

We just came back from a few days in the mountains. I did not have a rowing machine and had been exercising less because I had been coaching more on the water. My body started feeling lethargic, which gave me thoughts of horror, “me feeling like that, I used to train 4 hours per day, aah what is happening!” So I took off for an early morning walk at a California state park. It was 7 in the morning and no one around. I marched and quickly noticed that I could be doing one knee bend every fourth step... After five minutes of step-step-step-step-squat, I stopped and decided to do 50 knee bends all at once while alternating the position of my arms to strengthen my back while I was pushing the quads, gluts and hamstrings. After those 50 my legs felt like rubber and so I proceeded to walk back to where I came from. Shortly before dropping into my long chair and looking at the sky, I piled on another 50 knee bends. Overall I had been walking and moving my body for 55 minutes. I exercised between 7 and 8 in the morning, which is possible because I was on vacation and the kids were asleep. You may ask, what about enlisting your children into the exercise routine. You are absolutely right, my three oldest kids start-to-want-exercise, I learned that in the last couple of months.

Here is my advice about starting to workout: Don’t set goals that you can’t reach. Be flexible with your type of exercise and adjust the type of workout to the environment that you are in, I had no rowing machine, therefore I went for a walk etc. Look at breaking a sweat one way or the other. Approach the intensity of your workout carefully, because you don’t want to overdo it and you want to stay clear of injury at all cost. Remember that you only have one body and that exercising is a daily and gradual process. Daily moderation is the way to go with working out.
Make your exercise entertaining by using music or in company of a person who supports you.
Accept the fact that spending time on you helps you spend to time and energy/love on others.

That is it for now.

Live life, break a sweat, because not too long ago we were hunters and gatherers. Socially we evolved faster than physically, LET’S WORKOUT OUT and have fun doing so!


Join one of the fastest growing communities of indoor rowers at
Xeno Muller won an Olympic Gold in Atlanta and an Olympic Silver in Sydney, and is the current Olympic Record holder in the 2000m Single Scull. He is also the President and founder of Row2Go which is quickly becoming THE online community for both indoor and on-the-water rowers providing its members with weekly online workout routines and individualized coaching programs.
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Aug 1, 2010

Tasting my own medicine...

For years I have been rowing every day. I started when I was 13 and a half years old and kept rowing daily until I turned 32. Now I am 38, married with four children under the age of 13 and I coach daily and reduced my daily rowing routines to 5X 45 minute sessions per week.

This change in exercise pace made me appreciate the rowing workouts that much more. By being forced to NOT row, I enjoy that much more getting on the rowing machine and feeling what makes rowing so enjoyable.

First, I find that the rowing range of motion and its repetition loosens up the body from ankles through the lower back to the shoulder blades. I always begin my rows by warming up fragments of the rowing stroke which emphasis full extensions of the limbs and hinging at the hip joint thus also stretching out the hamstrings.

Second, breaking a sweat comes gradually and easily. With rowing almost 90% of the body's muscles are being used all while being seated on a comfortable seat which makes sliding and using the leg drive smooth as if floating on air. I find power for my muscles by adjusting my stroke per minute rate to my breathing rhythm. I take deep breath throughout the stroke cycle. Rhythmic breathing is in its own right a strength exercise, because the lung volume is more utilized during exercise than during sedentary work. The combination of breathing and moving the body up and down the rowing track gently warms the body up.

Third, by the time I am 3/4 through my rowing routine, I feel better about myself mentally. The positive endorphins kick in and I come to truly appreciate how doing a rowing workout delivers the "goods" so to speak.

I have always said to beginners how powerful of a life changing discipline rowing is. Now that I do not have the luxury of rowing everyday, I get to taste my own medicine and I LIKE IT.

If you have never rowed before, I hope that my short piece will make you curious about rowing. Rowing is a gentle sport on your joints, no impact. This is the one sport where you will see elder athletes in their 90ies still compete.

All the best, row soon, row far,
Xeno Müller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, Olympic record holder
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Jun 21, 2010

A new intermediate rowing workout for rowers and their rowing machine :-)

Hello Row2goers
My name is Xeno Muller. I won Olympic gold and silver in the men's single scull. I still own the Olympic record. Here is a short description of our latest workout that you can find on
We had a solid workout pushing over 1100 strokes in 45 minutes. We made sure that the warm up covered the technique fundamentals. Rowing is an easy exercise to get into. When you join Row2go you get all the information you need to familiarize yourself with the proper rowing technique that enables you to enjoy rowing for the next 300 years. We broke a great sweat and had smiles on our faces. Register to read more about the details of the workout and download availability for smart phones, big screen TVs, or MP3 players, always row with your Olympic gold and silver medalist and Olympic record holder :-) find all the information here
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Jun 6, 2010

Hello Row2goers,
This workout was filmed Saturday morning early, prior to the two group classes that I usually lead at 8 and 9 in the morning. Needless to say, I put in my miles that morning. I rowed 30 kilometers total and felt great. This workout was a solo row during which I pushed 45 minutes. I always make sure to warm up with technical drills. Read on to get the written detail of the workout, as a stream, downloadable video files and MP3 version of the workout....

Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

May 25, 2010

A great beginner workout on Row2go!

Hello Rowers!

Last Saturday we rowed an easy workout with slow technical drills and a few power pieces at low rates.
Overall we pushed a good 45 minutes and it felt great. We carefully went through each part of the rowing stroke before we set out to push a few hard strokes at lower stroke rates. Although the workout is labeled "beginner" even advanced rowers can reap the benefits by adding solid amounts of torque to each stroke. Read further to get the details of the workout and download it as an MP3 or a video file.
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

May 11, 2010

Watching and listening to a new rowing workout on a weekly basis... Yes you can!

Hello Row2goers!

We filmed this workout last Saturday. We had a great time rowing 45 minutes. We warmed up with technical exercises. I made sure that everyone had something to drink, after all, we don't want to have to scrape anyone of the floor because of dehydration. :-) As mentioned in the headline, this workout is of intermediate to high intensity. It is not necessarily beginner workout because of the duration of the intervals. Even in this workout, beginners are welcome, however I never fail to mention that if the intensity goes beyond reasonable discomfort to lay off the power and start cruising. Read more for the written details of this workout....
if you are a highly competitive rower consider training to the 16 week training program
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Apr 15, 2010

An hour of power for different fitness levels.

Hello R2G rowers,
We had a great workout on our Concept2 machine. Row2go owns two kinds of machines C2 and a Xeno Muller signature Waterrower which comes with 6 months of R2G workouts for free.
Our workout consisted of a technical warm up followed by a pyramid of 2 minute pieces ranging from stroke rate 20-22-24-26-28. At that point we switched...follow for the rest here

Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Feb 5, 2010

Keep your body moving on your rowing machine

If you are looking for the perfect exercise to bring you to better health and fitness, look no more. My name is Xeno Muller, I won Olympic gold and silver in rowing and my passion and job is to row with others. The Waterrower is the perfect machine to exercise with. You can join me everyday on your waterrower for a session by logging into Also have a look at my Signature Waterrower, which features a more adjustable footboard and a wider handle.
Row far,
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Jan 20, 2010

Xeno Signature Waterrower

Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Jan 14, 2010

First 2010 rowing workout

Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Dec 23, 2009

Happy Holidays

Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Dec 8, 2009

Happy Row2go rower

Hello Xeno,

I am glad to hear your move went without a glitch.
I just completed the 14km stroke for stroke. I have been rowing almost everyday without fail since becoming a member. I have done more exercise in the one month since joining that I did in the past 3 years.
My gym membership is now canceled, worst of all I did not use it this year. Being in the IT field it is difficult to set a schedule since my hours are unpredictable. Row2go has changed the way I keep fit and it is now a part of my life.
I have attached some pictures of my setup, its not much since I live here temporarily. I have the WaterRower club without the computer since I wanted to save the extra $200. After starting to use it I was very disappointed with not getting the computer. R2G solved this also, I do not need the computer anymore and that extra $200 goes a long way in terms of membership fees.
I really enjoy the upper body sessions, but I have to say that overall I could not be more pleased with what I am getting as a member, It is not possible!

Long Island, NY
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.
Showing posts with label Rowing Commentary with Xeno Müller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rowing Commentary with Xeno Müller. Show all posts

Sep 23, 2010

LW2x Bellingham Training - row2k Picture of the Day

LW2x Bellingham Training - row2k Picture of the Day

This looks like Switzerland, but it is in Washington state close to Seattle.
I wonder if those lightweight national team women have a chance at the world championship in New Zealand this October. It will be an interesting regatta because it is smack in the middle of the Olympic cycle. Usually the world championship after the Olympics are pretty weak and gradually becomes faster the closer time gets to the next Olympics.

Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Sep 14, 2010

Sep 13, 2010

Rowing Technique in stick figure form :-)

This is worthwhile taking a look at if you want to figure out in stick figure form how to row :-)
Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Sep 11, 2010

A fun workout that can be used on the water too, read on...

Hello Rowers,
This was a fun workout to row. If you are also a person who rows on the water, this is a great workout to follow with your MP3 player or smart phone. Of course, do not put yourself into danger by not being able to to see with your ears. (For those who don't know rowing on the water, you do not face where you row to, therefore it is really important that you hear what could potentially crash into you...)
You can be a member for four months with Row2go and enjoy over 80 workouts.
It does not matter what type of rowing machine you use.
OK that is it for now.
Xeno Müller,
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Sep 8, 2010

Her rowing looks effortless and she wins Olympic gold

Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Sep 6, 2010

I would like to be part of this compilation :-) Rowing - Momenti di Gloria

This is a very motivating clip. Let's row people it is good for us!
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Aug 31, 2010

Fall Rowing is up on us!

Hello Row2goers!

We hope our email reaches you in great spirits!

Summer is coming to an end in the northern hemisphere. We are getting ready to ramp up our workouts again to add to our Row2go rowing library.

We will plan our workouts to suit different indoor rowing challenges that you may find through and

We added a list of training tools to our website that you can acquire through

We are also ready to review your training video and give you technical feedback on your rowing technique whether it happens on the water or on land :-) just click on the coaching page of Row2go and order through Paypal.

Finally a word of wisdom: "We are in it for the long row, take one stroke at a time, then sleep on it!"

Sincerely and row far,

Xeno and the Row2go Team
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Aug 24, 2010

Training for maximum rowing performance in short:

Training for maximum rowing performance in short.

Highly trained Olympic rowers are not only fit for rowing but also in other cross training exercises. It is the overall muscular endurance capability that sets a rower apart from the Olympic athletic population.

There are three phases to the training periodization

1. Build torque and endurance at low rate of repetition (fall-winter)
2. Transitioning from high torque/low rate to high torque intermediate rate (winter-spring)
3. Final phase high torque/high rate sprinting capability (spring-summer)

Building torque is done throughout the year either in the boat or the gym
Building endurance is done 3/4 of the year with the remaining 1/4 needed for maintenance
Building muscular strength is done in the fall and mid winter
Building muscular strength and endurance in winter-spring-summer

High speed of execution is trained year around in the boat with short intervals such as 15 to 20 seconds on. There are different exercises on land to “freshen speed of execution” however speed of execution is not higher on the priority list than endurance and torque.

Range of motion is continuously at the forefront year around. Range of motion is a factor in power. Short explosive is not as efficient in rowing as is “long and strong”.

Stroke rates of 18-22 are held throughout the year for endurance pieces below the aerobic threshold.

Stroke rates between 20-30 push the transition phase between aerobic and anaerobic threshold. Such training sessions come in form of pyramids of 19 to 29 minutes long.

7 minute pieces ranging from beginning stroke rates of 18 in fall to 36 strokes per minute in the final stages of such pieces before major summer championship builds high torque at lactate levels between 6-8 mmol.

Lactate step tests to monitor lactic acid accumulation is another key workout which gives the athlete the positive feedback needed to believe in the training and respect prescribed rest.

Training for maximum rowing performance is a long hard road. However, it is not a long hard unbearable road. Injuries from training is not an option. Sound technique, core strength, staying within safe lifting limits, are key, for injury free preparation.

Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Aug 19, 2010

Who has time to workout out and how to get started:

Who has the time to workout out and how to get started:

I have a busy life. I am married and we have four children. This alone makes life busy, right? But of course to make things more busy, we also run our own rowing business. Being busy has taken a whole new meaning over the last 8 years of my existence, which brings me to wonder how others find time to stay healthy and what a struggle it is to make time for working out in a day that is busting at the seams.

We get up early and go to bed late. We work and care for others, because we are selfless. By writing this sentence moms come to my mind. Yes I am selfless, but I also know that if I don’t take care of myself, I can’t take care of others. In order to make time for a daily workout, and I mean daily workout, you have to look at your situation two ways. For one, you must make the decision to workout, which requires you to find the logic in it. Think of the saying: “Use it or loose it.” The list of benefits are endless when it comes to exercise, do you want those benefits? The answer is a resounding “yes”. The second way to look at it is by understanding that exercise will help you be a better person. You may give all the love that you can, but if your body is not maintained your “love-giving” is on a path of diminish returns, do we want that? “NO!” is the answer.

We just came back from a few days in the mountains. I did not have a rowing machine and had been exercising less because I had been coaching more on the water. My body started feeling lethargic, which gave me thoughts of horror, “me feeling like that, I used to train 4 hours per day, aah what is happening!” So I took off for an early morning walk at a California state park. It was 7 in the morning and no one around. I marched and quickly noticed that I could be doing one knee bend every fourth step... After five minutes of step-step-step-step-squat, I stopped and decided to do 50 knee bends all at once while alternating the position of my arms to strengthen my back while I was pushing the quads, gluts and hamstrings. After those 50 my legs felt like rubber and so I proceeded to walk back to where I came from. Shortly before dropping into my long chair and looking at the sky, I piled on another 50 knee bends. Overall I had been walking and moving my body for 55 minutes. I exercised between 7 and 8 in the morning, which is possible because I was on vacation and the kids were asleep. You may ask, what about enlisting your children into the exercise routine. You are absolutely right, my three oldest kids start-to-want-exercise, I learned that in the last couple of months.

Here is my advice about starting to workout: Don’t set goals that you can’t reach. Be flexible with your type of exercise and adjust the type of workout to the environment that you are in, I had no rowing machine, therefore I went for a walk etc. Look at breaking a sweat one way or the other. Approach the intensity of your workout carefully, because you don’t want to overdo it and you want to stay clear of injury at all cost. Remember that you only have one body and that exercising is a daily and gradual process. Daily moderation is the way to go with working out.
Make your exercise entertaining by using music or in company of a person who supports you.
Accept the fact that spending time on you helps you spend to time and energy/love on others.

That is it for now.

Live life, break a sweat, because not too long ago we were hunters and gatherers. Socially we evolved faster than physically, LET’S WORKOUT OUT and have fun doing so!


Join one of the fastest growing communities of indoor rowers at
Xeno Muller won an Olympic Gold in Atlanta and an Olympic Silver in Sydney, and is the current Olympic Record holder in the 2000m Single Scull. He is also the President and founder of Row2Go which is quickly becoming THE online community for both indoor and on-the-water rowers providing its members with weekly online workout routines and individualized coaching programs.
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Aug 1, 2010

Tasting my own medicine...

For years I have been rowing every day. I started when I was 13 and a half years old and kept rowing daily until I turned 32. Now I am 38, married with four children under the age of 13 and I coach daily and reduced my daily rowing routines to 5X 45 minute sessions per week.

This change in exercise pace made me appreciate the rowing workouts that much more. By being forced to NOT row, I enjoy that much more getting on the rowing machine and feeling what makes rowing so enjoyable.

First, I find that the rowing range of motion and its repetition loosens up the body from ankles through the lower back to the shoulder blades. I always begin my rows by warming up fragments of the rowing stroke which emphasis full extensions of the limbs and hinging at the hip joint thus also stretching out the hamstrings.

Second, breaking a sweat comes gradually and easily. With rowing almost 90% of the body's muscles are being used all while being seated on a comfortable seat which makes sliding and using the leg drive smooth as if floating on air. I find power for my muscles by adjusting my stroke per minute rate to my breathing rhythm. I take deep breath throughout the stroke cycle. Rhythmic breathing is in its own right a strength exercise, because the lung volume is more utilized during exercise than during sedentary work. The combination of breathing and moving the body up and down the rowing track gently warms the body up.

Third, by the time I am 3/4 through my rowing routine, I feel better about myself mentally. The positive endorphins kick in and I come to truly appreciate how doing a rowing workout delivers the "goods" so to speak.

I have always said to beginners how powerful of a life changing discipline rowing is. Now that I do not have the luxury of rowing everyday, I get to taste my own medicine and I LIKE IT.

If you have never rowed before, I hope that my short piece will make you curious about rowing. Rowing is a gentle sport on your joints, no impact. This is the one sport where you will see elder athletes in their 90ies still compete.

All the best, row soon, row far,
Xeno Müller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, Olympic record holder
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Jun 21, 2010

A new intermediate rowing workout for rowers and their rowing machine :-)

Hello Row2goers
My name is Xeno Muller. I won Olympic gold and silver in the men's single scull. I still own the Olympic record. Here is a short description of our latest workout that you can find on
We had a solid workout pushing over 1100 strokes in 45 minutes. We made sure that the warm up covered the technique fundamentals. Rowing is an easy exercise to get into. When you join Row2go you get all the information you need to familiarize yourself with the proper rowing technique that enables you to enjoy rowing for the next 300 years. We broke a great sweat and had smiles on our faces. Register to read more about the details of the workout and download availability for smart phones, big screen TVs, or MP3 players, always row with your Olympic gold and silver medalist and Olympic record holder :-) find all the information here
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Jun 6, 2010

Hello Row2goers,
This workout was filmed Saturday morning early, prior to the two group classes that I usually lead at 8 and 9 in the morning. Needless to say, I put in my miles that morning. I rowed 30 kilometers total and felt great. This workout was a solo row during which I pushed 45 minutes. I always make sure to warm up with technical drills. Read on to get the written detail of the workout, as a stream, downloadable video files and MP3 version of the workout....

Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

May 25, 2010

A great beginner workout on Row2go!

Hello Rowers!

Last Saturday we rowed an easy workout with slow technical drills and a few power pieces at low rates.
Overall we pushed a good 45 minutes and it felt great. We carefully went through each part of the rowing stroke before we set out to push a few hard strokes at lower stroke rates. Although the workout is labeled "beginner" even advanced rowers can reap the benefits by adding solid amounts of torque to each stroke. Read further to get the details of the workout and download it as an MP3 or a video file.
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

May 11, 2010

Watching and listening to a new rowing workout on a weekly basis... Yes you can!

Hello Row2goers!

We filmed this workout last Saturday. We had a great time rowing 45 minutes. We warmed up with technical exercises. I made sure that everyone had something to drink, after all, we don't want to have to scrape anyone of the floor because of dehydration. :-) As mentioned in the headline, this workout is of intermediate to high intensity. It is not necessarily beginner workout because of the duration of the intervals. Even in this workout, beginners are welcome, however I never fail to mention that if the intensity goes beyond reasonable discomfort to lay off the power and start cruising. Read more for the written details of this workout....
if you are a highly competitive rower consider training to the 16 week training program
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Apr 15, 2010

An hour of power for different fitness levels.

Hello R2G rowers,
We had a great workout on our Concept2 machine. Row2go owns two kinds of machines C2 and a Xeno Muller signature Waterrower which comes with 6 months of R2G workouts for free.
Our workout consisted of a technical warm up followed by a pyramid of 2 minute pieces ranging from stroke rate 20-22-24-26-28. At that point we switched...follow for the rest here

Xeno Muller
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Feb 5, 2010

Keep your body moving on your rowing machine

If you are looking for the perfect exercise to bring you to better health and fitness, look no more. My name is Xeno Muller, I won Olympic gold and silver in rowing and my passion and job is to row with others. The Waterrower is the perfect machine to exercise with. You can join me everyday on your waterrower for a session by logging into Also have a look at my Signature Waterrower, which features a more adjustable footboard and a wider handle.
Row far,
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Jan 20, 2010

Jan 14, 2010

Dec 23, 2009

Happy Holidays

Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.

Dec 8, 2009

Happy Row2go rower

Hello Xeno,

I am glad to hear your move went without a glitch.
I just completed the 14km stroke for stroke. I have been rowing almost everyday without fail since becoming a member. I have done more exercise in the one month since joining that I did in the past 3 years.
My gym membership is now canceled, worst of all I did not use it this year. Being in the IT field it is difficult to set a schedule since my hours are unpredictable. Row2go has changed the way I keep fit and it is now a part of my life.
I have attached some pictures of my setup, its not much since I live here temporarily. I have the WaterRower club without the computer since I wanted to save the extra $200. After starting to use it I was very disappointed with not getting the computer. R2G solved this also, I do not need the computer anymore and that extra $200 goes a long way in terms of membership fees.
I really enjoy the upper body sessions, but I have to say that overall I could not be more pleased with what I am getting as a member, It is not possible!

Long Island, NY
Xeno Muller, Olympic gold and silver medalist, indoor rowing, rowing technique.